Our Cause

Modern day slavery

Everyone has a right to live free from any type of slavery, but it is a problem that exists to this day. Around the world, millions of individuals (most often females and children) are exploited for personal and commercial gain. While much of this illegal industry goes unseen, it is estimated that it brings in over $150 billion every year. People are trapped in servitude of various forms, from working in factories, making clothing, farming, cleaning and serving, to sexual exploitation. Why is this still a problem in the 21st century?  We believe that it can be stopped, but it will take all of us to make it happen.

Forced Labor
Domestic Servitude
Sexual Exploitation

There are more people in forced servitude now than at any other time in history. Human trafficking is the most prevalent and painful injustice of our time. Today there are over 40 million people in forced labor (including commercial sexual exploitation) and forced marriage around the world, with women and girls disproportionally affected. This problem affects every one of us. The statistics show just how big the problem is, and the time for action is now.

Human Trafficking Statistics


The average age of a child sex trafficking victim in the United States


The percentage of victims in active criminal sex trafficking cases in 2020 that were female


The majority of purchases of illicit sex happened online

Our mission: end it once and for all.

The horrors of human trafficking may seem too big for any one of us to solve—and indeed they are. This is why only through sustainable giving and the making of a movement can we end this dark, evil stain on the world. Selfles is committed to supporting charities that align themselves to the three P’s: 

The Selfles Community will form strategic partnerships with organizations that have the same heart and passion for ending this epidemic. Our goal through these partnerships is to combat human trafficking from all angles- through preventive education, rescue, protection, and recovery. Through our combined efforts and funding, we will be able to take this fight worldwide and finally put an end to human trafficking.