The Ecosystem

Self-propelled charity engine

When you create the environment and the technology for a business to succeed, a community to flourish, and a cause to be sustainably and perpetually funded, you’d call that a win/win/win scenario. Only when all three are aligned can you expect to see significant positive change. The Selfles ecosystem is created using apps and technologies developed by BitJar Labs, meeting the needs of businesses, and utilizing the Selfles token within that ecosystem. Not only does this create a profitable business, an engaged community, and sustainable giving to the cause, it also benefits the holders of the Selfles coin. Win/win/win/win. See what we did there?

About BitJar Labs

For the past 20 years President and Founder, Robert Sacco, has seen back office development in the network marketing industry fail to answer the most pressing issues. BitJar Labs was created out of necessity, to fill the gaps ignored by other providers.
For the last 4 years, we have dedicated our app development to putting control back where it belongs- in the hands of the business. Now we are venturing deep into the cryptocurrency space, innovating solutions to real world problems through Web3, blockchain, the metaverse and the world’s first SaaS based NFT Marketplace. BitJar Labs is proud to offer the suite of apps that power the Selfles ecosystem and create limitless funding for the fight against human trafficking.